Saturday, October 21, 2017

2017 maintenance update

Affected vehicles:
Coventry Type 10;
Detroit Pacific;
GEMC Motorboat;
Minamoto Sky Messenger;
Minamoto Sky Traveller;
Yamato Maxius.

Fixes and changes:
- Menu listener bug eliminated;
- UniHUD changed to v2.22(you still can use 2.20-2.21);
- New store LMs in packages;
 - Bad body mapping fixed on Minamoto Sky Messenger RHD;
- Lavatory unit on Detroit Pacific can be used only when toilet lid is up(so no more passengers sent to lavatory from "sitting" on random prim of the vehicle);
- Negative offset choices added to "cinematic" camera of Yamato Maxius and GEMC Motorboat;
- Festive lights bug fixed (GEMC Motorboat);
- Seats adjustment module added to motorboat;
- Access control added to motorboat trailer(owner/group/anyone). Access level will be passed to rezzed motorboat;
- Number of other minor fixes and improvements.

GEMC, 2017.