With upcoming release of Detroit Milestone, we're changing a way batteries and vehicle's electrical devices operate.
Batteries purchased after 1st of June, 2015 will be copyable. It means that you will be able to re-rez them and reinstall into your vehicles. However, to not render Charging Unit useless, there's a 24 hours of delay between replacing batteries again. If you'll try to replace battery within 24 hours after adding fresh battery to the vehicle, you'll be presented with next message:
So, you'll have to use charging kit or wait 24 hours to pass.
Electrical devices.
We also changed the way electrical devices work in new cars. From now on, there's no more electricity consumption by on-board devices, however it still spent on cranking a starter, and this time it is based on multiple parameters. If you run out of battery charge during startup, all on-board devices will be shut off in usual manner. Recharging the battery still works the same.
GEMC, 2015.